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2 min read
Budget-Friendly Marketing Tips for Small Local Businesses
You don't need a bottomless budget to make a significant marketing impact. Let's explore some budget-friendly marketing tips.
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5 min read
Golden advice for start-up and small businesses!
Now this is a repeat of an old blog post that has been buried in the Emerald Frog blog archives but I happened upon it this morning and...
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4 min read
GDPR and your marketing. Act now!
If you use email marketing, direct marketing or make sales calls in your business then you need to read this post. The law is changing in...
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1 min read
What’s the difference between marketing, PR, advertising and branding?
We often get asked about the difference between PR and Marketing. A lot of people get the two mixed up. Then throw in advertising and...
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2 min read
How to get the best from your outsourced Social Media team
To keep your social media content really fresh and effective, your outsourced social media team requires input from you as the client...
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1 min read
Have you planned your New Year marketing yet?
Have you mapped out your marketing plans yet for the new financial year? Do you know how you will be finding new customers and how you...
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1 min read
The danger of late follow ups: A true story
I had a call yesterday. Caller: “Hello this is <some guy> ringing from <some research company>. You recently downloaded some information...
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2 min read
What is the difference between junk mail and a good sales letter?
What’s the difference between a good piece of direct mail and a “junk” piece? Not all direct mail is junk mail. A clear message, with a...
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1 min read
How to woo customers and keep the relationship hot!
So you need some more business? What’s the most cost effective way of doing that? Many businesses plough a lot of budget into constantly...
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2 min read
Basic Marketing Tips
This week’s blog post explains how small business can improve their basic marketing. These may all seem obvious, but it’s crucial that...
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3 min read
6 New Year Marketing Resolutions for businesses
Happy New Year from us here at Emerald Frog Marketing! With a new year comes a new start. Now is the time to take a look at your...
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1 min read
The importance of good briefs
When it comes to results, you put rubbish in, you will probably get rubbish out! A bit of a cliché, but so true. In this blog we will...
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1 min read
The importance of marketing contingency planning
When you create a budget it plan it is vital to factor in a “contingency budget” into your costs. So, what is a “contingency budget”? A...
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2 min read
An extra member of staff…a fraction of the cost.
We heard a great quote the other day. You may have seen it on our Facebook page, but here it is again: Marketing is a lot like housework....
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2 min read
The Leaky Bucket: Acquisition v Retention
The Leaky Bucket may sound like a pub in the Harry Potter books and films, but it’s an analogy you should be aware of as a business...
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2 min read
6 ways to build customer loyalty
Fact : Keeping a hold of your existing customers costs less to achieve than attracting new ones. In addition to ensure that you offer the...
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2 min read
The advantages and disadvantages of press advertising
You may well be finalising your marketing plan. Or, if you are a start-up, you may be considering the best way to launch your business....
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2 min read
How to make your website sticky not bouncy
Did you know that 80% of visitors to your website do not scroll down the page to read more? That means only 20% of visitors will look...
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2 min read
The battle of the print techniques: Digital or Litho?
At Emerald Frog Marketing, we know it can be a difficult task to choose your preferred print. There are so many different papers, cards,...
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2 min read
How to network like a pro
We have all been there, you turn up to a networking event and you end up standing alone, coffee in hand trying to spot someone you at...
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