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The most annoying TV adverts!

Jo Evans

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

“I say, you buy one, you get one free!”

“You’ve probably seen our really annoying TV ads?” This was the strangely proud opening gambit from a cheery chap who darkened my doorstep recently to let me know that my house was literally crying out for new UPVC double glazing. Mentioning no names, but suffice to say “Trust me, it’s free fitting!”. Any guesses?

This set me thinking about why any company would actually be proud of ‘annoying’ their potential customers – and the double glazing company in question is not alone in apparently spending vast sums to do just that..

The disappointing news for my cheery caller (perhaps?) is that his employer didn’t get a look-in with Marketing Magazine’s annual poll of the Top 10 most annoying TV ads of 2010. Here they are (and don’t blame me if you burst into song at some point while perusing this list!):

  1. Go Compare

  2. We Buy Any Car

  3. Injury Lawyers 4 U

  4. Cash My Gold

  5. Halifax

  6. Foxy Bingo

  7. Nintendo

  8. Moon Pig

  9. Money Supermarket

  10. Microsoft Windows 7 and L’Oreal Elvive

59% of those polled voted Go Compare’s universe-hopping opera singer as the most annoying TV ad, winning it the top spot for the second year running. Marketing Director, Nick Hall, was delighted with this (dubious?) honour: “Our key objective is to raise awareness of the brand and ensure that it’s front of mind, and we have certainly achieved that!”

And I guess he’s got a point? Let’s not forget that Nick’s team is up against the creative genius of Aleksandr and his meerkat mates! They say that ‘no publicity is bad publicity’ and that’s certainly true in today’s world of tough competition, where more and more companies are fighting for space in overcrowded meerkats (sorry, markets!)

And what of my cheery double glazing salesman? Well, if I really was in need of a UPVC makeover, I probably wouldn’t put my business his way – because I can’t stand their TV ads! Which perhaps just goes to show that there are levels of annoyance that no-one should over-step?

Is your most hated TV ad in the Top 10 list above? Are there any other ads that are driving you mad at the moment? Let us know here.. and don’t forget to say whether it would put you off buying from the company, or make you more likely to give them your business?

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