Our lovely customers, online recruitment website, Just Jobs Peterborough, is celebrating a successful launch year with a Winter special offer for recruiters to advertise their vacancies.
Just Jobs Peterborough is a recruitment website that is cost effective for employers and free to jobseekers. This is a truly local site, dedicated to jobs in the Peterborough & Fenland area. The site is updated constantly and is available 24 hours a day.
Jobseekers can search their fast website either by sector or by town and can immediately apply online for the jobs they find, there and then.
Employers pay a single fixed fee for 28 days on the site – no other fees or commissions are involved – and they can, if they wish, create and post their own job adverts at any time with, unlike traditional print media, immediate visibility on the site and no space restrictions. Alternatively, JustJobsPeterborough will make the posting for them or guide them through the process over the phone.
We aim to help JustJobsPeterborough become an integral part of the Peterborough and fenland business community (including Huntingdon, St Neots and St Ives) and the Number One website for local jobseekers and employers.
For a limited period, customers will be able to list their job vacancy for 28 days for just £99.99. This includes a banner on the Just Jobs Peterborough home page, social media promotion three times a day, company logo displayed on email campaigns to over 400 businesses across the region and the opportunity to post their company news and events on the Just Jobs Peterborough website.
“It’s been a fantastic year for Just Jobs Peterborough. Our website is growing from strength to strength, with over 50 local businesses already using our services and in excess of 5000+ unique visitors to the website every month. ”, says Steve Copeland, Managing Director. “Clients are giving us very positive feedback, happy that we are providing a low cost and effective solution to their recruitment needs, at a far smaller cost than advertising in the newspaper. We are also creating a hub for local businesses via our news pages and clients are embracing our ethos of local jobs for local people”.
Emerald Frog Marketing are looking forward also to seeing JustJobsPeterborough grow, with a new website in the pipeline, PR and advertising across Cambridgeshire and brilliant new services being introduced, including online training. Look out for JustJobsPeterbough in the local press and business events and also check out their fantastic Twitter and Facebook pages.
For more information visit www.justjobspeterborough.co.uk or call 0845 519 5782
