Business networking group JCI Cambridge (Junior Chamber International) are hosting their first annual Business Skills Day on April 9th for members and non-members at the Crowne Plaza on Downing Street, Cambridge. We are committee members for JCI Cambridge and it’s a great business network to belong to.
The day will be a fantastic opportunity to learn new business skills, brush up on some old ones and network with young professionals from Cambridge and further afield. During this interactive and informative day attendees will have the opportunity to attend two full two and a half hour interactive workshops. Topics include “Presenting with confidence”, “Psychometric testing”, “Communication skills” and “How to build your business network”. Speakers include international business speaker Kate Atkin and renowned Business Mentor, Ann Hawkin.
Choose from two of the following sessions…
Morning Sessions:
Kate Atkin – ” Present Yourself with Confidence”

How do you ensure your message is clear?
Would a few tips make your communication even more effective?
Could your confidence do with an occasional boost?
This interactive workshop will provide you with tips, tools and techniques to help you present yourself, and your message, with confidence. Whether talking to senior management, colleagues or prospective clients… or indeed others outside the workplace. Kate will ensure there is an element of networking during the workshop, so come prepared to move around and meet your fellow JCI members.
Twitter: Kateatkin
Garin Rouch and Mark Fearnley – “Understand yourself and your impact on others” (Introducing the Psychometric Tool: DiSC®)

This session is designed to introduce each individual to their behavioural “style” and develop greater personal awareness. Experienced by over 40 million people worldwide, DiSC® is a powerful personal growth tool. It enables individuals to understand themselves and their impact on others. Participants who take part in the session will achieve the following outcomes:
Discover your DiSC behavioural style
Enhance your interpersonal skills
Understand how others interpret your behaviour
Learn how you can adapt your style to get the best results
The session will be participative, fun and engaging.
Afternoon Sessions:
Aaron Garner – “Subtle Communication in a Business Context”

Whether we realise it or not we are always communicating. With every syllable spoken or twitch of an eyebrow, multiple messages are being conveyed. This workshop is designed to assist attendees in beginning to tune their behavioural radars in preparation for that next meeting, networking event, interview or staff 1-to-1. During the session, Aaron will touch on:
Why businesses can’t afford NOT to pay attention to Subtle Communication
“Know Thyself” – How to prevent hampering your own ability to people watch
Calibrating the meeting room
Widening your observational radar sweeps
Observing the room “Gestalt Style”
Ann Hawkins – “How to discover your own acre of diamonds. Building a valuable personal and professional network”

Tim Sanders, keynote speaker and ex-Yahoo CIO said “One day this will be true of all of us that our network will equal our net worth” . This workshop is a modern day look at ‘Its not what you know but who you know that matters” and involves practical, fun exercises that will give you a structure for building and maintaining your networks.
Twitter: AnnHawkins
Please indicate your preferred workshops and we will confirm these on the day. BOOK HERE
Lunch will be provided complete with breaks for coffee during the day. If you are in Cambridge for the weekend – why not join JCI Cambridge on a social event in the evening?
We hope you’ll join us for a fantastic day!