12th-16th October was National Work Experience Week. In light of this, I took a fantastic opportunity to take part in a 4-day work experience placement with Emerald Frog Marketing. The last work experience placement I had was in a primary school when I was 13, so at the beginning of the week I was very nervous and excited as to what it would be like. I was very surprised. Jo had come up with a 4-day week plan, full of meetings, tasks and targets. It seemed to be a week full of me immersing myself into a marketing office week.
Monday, after my induction (instructing the most important directions such as where the kettle is, amongst the other health and safety information, of course) I proofed an advertisement for one of their clients, and sat with the
Tuesday, continuing with the presentation, I also designed a poster for a pub client, advertising their pub quiz. We headed off to a meeting with one of EFM’s clients later on, to discuss further movement with their company. It was my first proper chance to sit in a formal business meeting, and though it was surreal, it was very interesting. Witnessing all the different dynamics within the discussion, seeing how it works, also learning about questioning – making sure you review all of the information before making a judgement of a product or pitch, probing and asking difficult questions. It gave me a lot of insight into the professional business world, insight which I hadn’t had the benefit of having before.
Wednesday, we went out to another meeting to a school, and I was asked to give the presentation I had been working hard on over the past couple days. I was nervous and tense, as I’m not the best presenter, but did my best anyway. I was very grateful to have that opportunity to experience and learn from, whilst realizing the trust that EFM have been putting in me since Monday. After our pitch and discussion, walking out I realised I was having fun. The activities of the last couple days had been pushing my mental boundaries and causing me to challenge myself.
My last day with EFM was certainly the best one, after being shown how to create and send an Enewsletter, how to setup and use mailchimp, how to use photoshop and other such programmes to edit your work. I was full of nostalgia, as I was going to have to leave this wonderful place where I’d learned so much, where I’d pushed my own boundaries and had so much pleasure in my work. It was the first time I actually felt sure about where I wanted my life to go.
To get a surprise offer letter for part-time employment halfway through the day – that was absolutely fantastic and not at all expected. I’m so thankful to EFM for all the hard work they did in organising this placement for me, for making it happen and for giving me an amazing opportunity despite lack of formal qualification. I have the drive, the motivation and the passion – time for me to use it!
Thank you EFM!