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How will Google’s latest warning affect YOUR business?

Jo Evans

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Google’s new ranking criteria for responsive websites starts today, meaning that non mobile-friendly websites may see their rankings fall.

The announcement from Google means they are unrolling an algorithm that penalises non-responsive websites. According to Hibu (formerly known as Yell), research shows that almost three quarters (74%) of UK SMEs’ websites are not set up to enable customers to research and make purchases on mobile devices. It also found that a huge 88% per cent of SMEs’ websites do not support viewing on the iPad.

This will impact small businesses and start-ups with a basic web presence, and larger businesses who have invested in a non-responsive website. It will also impact the current “content is king” trend. Whilst ‘content is king’, ‘user experience’ may start to become the new queen. After all, what’s the point in having great content, if your visitors can’t see it properly on their device?

Small businesses have the chance to  gain the competitive edge with this news by making their websites mobile and ipad friendly an capitalise upon Google ranking better than their non-responsive competitors. Larger businesses also should review their website format to ensure that the work that they  are putting into maintaining their SEO rankings does not go to waste with Google’s new line of thinking.

If you not sure if this affects you, give us a call or an email and we can take a look at your website to see if it’s likely to be affected!

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